For high-price goods, the accurate monitoring of the exact quantities stored and handled is essential.
Especially in Oil and Gas Industry, volume accuracy monitoring in both storage and handling is vital for reducing losses and increasing credibility amongst business partners.
Until recently, Calibration & Volume Measurements were conducted with unreliable methods, using non-certified equipment.
Spyrides Group identified this need and since 2012 created a modern, fully certified Calibration & Volume Μeasurement Laboratory. This Laboratory is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standards, providing accurate and reliable results, compliant to European Legislation.
Our Calibration & Volume Measurement Laboratory consists of highly qualified professionals, who have developed reliable equipment and calibration processes by fully exlpoiting their scientific background and continuous training.
Our Calibration & Volume measurement Laboratory is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 since 2013 by ESYD (Hellenic Accreditation System), member of ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Collaboration).
Our Laboratory's main goal is to measure the volume, to graduate, to calibrate and to produce reliable results of the highest quality standards, according to ΕΝ ISO/IEC 17025 standards.
- Calibrated measuring equipment, which is constantly verified and cross-checked for its functioning and measuring ability
- Highly specialized technical personnel that strictly follows the procedures of our quality management system
- Engineering personnel that analyzes, evaluates and processes all data produced, using scientific tools and specialized software developed internaly by our R&D team
- Continuous targeted education programs for all our personnel, both scientific and technical
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