Electronic Registers
EMR3 system
The EMR3 system is comprised of two separate building blocks:
1.the Register Head (display)
2.the Interconnect Box (I.B.) which :
- is the power supply of the EMR3 System
- is the communication hub between the display and a series of accessories
- has I/O ports for the control of the pumps and valves
- communicates with the printer
These core components, along with a series of accessories allow the user to configure a system that meets their specific needs on the delivery vehicle or loading rack. A benefit of this unique system design is that two Register Heads can connect to a single I.B., and up to 16 I.B. units (con-necting up to 32 Register Heads!) can network together for very large customer applications through Veeder-Root’s I.B.net software solution. Maintaining a watchful eye on your fuel dispensing operations has never been so easy!
Veeder-Root’s EMR3, a truly unique system architecture, wraps the latest technology within a robust and user-friendly system, providing unprecedented value for customers world wide. Fully capable of meeting the most demanding customer requirements, it can be affordably configured to fit a wide variety of industry applications.
Features of EMR3 Electronic Register
- Non-Volatile Memory continuously stores the last 200 transactions made
- Temperature Compensated Delivery (each with different product calibrations)
- Multiple Product Deliveries (each with different product calibrations)
- Currency & Volume Preset Deliveries
- Dual Register Head - Simultaneous Operation
- Interconnect Box Net – Interface up to 32 Register Heads in one network
- Fully Functional Remote Register Display which permits remote operation
- Fully Customizable Delivery Tickets
- Weights and Measures World Wide Approval: OIML, CW&M, French, NCWM (NIST Standards)


Electronic Register developed & manufactured by SPYRIDES S.A. in Greece
Meter Guard is the perfect choice for Fuel Depot or combined retail Fuel Station / Depot.
Combines metrological accuracy for bulk fuel metering applications with high standards of ergonomics, reliability and functionality for field operations & back office communications.
Robust construction with MID, ATEX certification and IP66 rating for heavy duty operation to zones of explosive atmospheres. Designed to simplify installation without additional hardware. Power supply, I/O board, interface are all housed in one single ATEX enclosure.
The MeterGuard is an integrated electronic register which is comprised of the below mentioned equipment:
- Display
- KeyPad
- Motor - valves control unit (SSR Board)
- Input-Output interface board
- Power supply
- Communication borad for IFSF protocol
User-friendly operation interface, with distinctly digits and ergonomic buttons for easy operation.
Features MeterGuard electronic register:
- Memory continuously stores the last 200 transactions made
- Temperature Compensated Delivery at 15o C
- Multiple product deliveries each with different product calibrations
- Currency & volume preset deliveries
- Communication port for connection with delivery ticket printer
- Communication through IFSF protocol for connection with vehicle Fleet Management Systems and Forecourt Control Systems
Adapts to all Meters featuring all certificates, as they are certified according to: