Retail Systems / POS
Shop Guard POS has been designed to cover all needs of modern Petrol Stations. Having a user friendly interface and offering numerous options, it enables any user to complete his tasks through fast and automated processes, with only basic PC knowledge required.
Shop Guard POS is suitable for Petrol Stations with broader business activities, for Petrol Station Networks as well as for Heating Oil Stations which have a need for central data collection and process. It is ideal for Petrol Stations that may wish to implement Loyalty Card Schemes & Systems, and for Petrol Stations that may wish to offer Fleet Management Services to Corporate Customers, by monitoring their refueling transactions and by applying limits to all vehicles and/or group of vehicles.
In Spyrides Group, when we develop software and applications, our fundamental philosophy is to create systems suitable for all contemporary Petrol Stations.
For any Petrol Station Network, with either having a few or hundends of branches, Shop Guard application provides a safe, stable and flexible solution for monitoring and processing transactions of all retail points. Shop Guard application covers all forecourt and service station transactions, self-service operation and mini market sales, while having also integrated Loyalty & Fleet Scheme Modules. It provides a wide range of reports to the managers, for immediate and comprehensive control of all business activities.

Shop Guard Software - Basic Edition has been designed to cover all needs of modern Petrol Stations.

Having a user friendly interface and offering numerous options, it enables every user to complete his tasks through fast and automated processes, with basic PC knowledge required.
General Features
- Simple and friendly user interface, customized for each user and working position
- Soundex search option
- Connectivity with Accounting Software
- Mass data change option
- Data search drill-down from application’s screen-outs and print-outs
- Parallel Asynchronous multi-tasking option
- Fast response times
- Low equipment costs
- Fast installation & training
- Stateless technology for uninterrupted functioning
- Microsoft Office Integration
Basic Options
- Warehouse Items Management, Services Management
- Price Lists Management
- Customers, Suppliers & other Accounts Management
- Orders Processing & Sales Management
- Intensive Retail Management
- POS Management & Touch Screen feature
- Purchasing Management
- Document Transformation
- Cash collection - Payments - Banknotes – Credit cards Management
- Corporate performance outlook
- Intergraded CRM task management module
- Flat and/or Tree Categories (Customers, Suppliers, Items, etc.)
Shop Guard offers multiple reporting tools for corporate performance monitoring and control:
- Print outs
- Grid
- Pivot
Which can be extracted in various formats (Excel, Word, PDF, ASCII, Html, etc.).

Shop Guard Software - Premium Edition is suitable for Petrol Stations with broader business activities and for Petrol Station Networks, as well as for Heating Oil Stations which have a need for central data collection and management.

It is also ideal for Petrol Stations that want to implement Loyalty Card Schemes, and for Petrol Stations that want to offer Fleet Management Services to Corporate Customers, by monitoring their refueling transactions and applying limits to every vehicle team of vehicles.
General Features
- Simple and friendly user interface, customized for every user and working position
- Connectivity with Accounting Software and other applications
- Mass data change option
- Multiple Companies Management
- Unlimited data search drill-down from application’s screen-outs and print-outs
- Parallel Asynchronous multi-tasking option
- Soundex search option
- Fast response times
- Low equipment cost
- Fast installation & training
- Stateless technology for uninterrupted functioning
- Microsoft Office Integration
Basic Options
- Warehouse Items Management, Services Management
- Price Lists Management
- Branch Monitoring & Management
- Independent Branch Pricing Policy and VAT status
- Simultaneous monitoring and control of Physical and Accounting Inventories
- Customers, Suppliers & other Accounts Management
- Orders Processing & Sales Management
- Sales Agents & Cash Collectors Management
- Intensive Retail Management
- POS Management & Touch Screen module
- Loyalty Members & Loyalty Schemes Management (Loyalty Cards)
- Purchasing Management
- Document Transformation
- Fleet Scheme Management (Fleet Cards)
- Cash collection - Payments - Banknotes – Credit cards Management
- Corporate performance outlook
- Intergraded CRM task management module
- Flat and/or Tree Categories (Customers, Suppliers, Items, etc.)
Shop Guard Premium Edition offers multiple reporting tools for corporate performance monitoring and control:
- Print outs
- Grid
- Pivot
Which can be extracted in various formats (Excel, Word, PDF, ASCII, Html, etc.).
If requested, Premium Edition can also be upgraded to intergrade data from different business entities, for consolidated Sales and Financial monitoring and control.